Does Your Web Site Suck? Introduction

179 Mortal Sins, 83 Possible Mortal Sins and 2 Ultimate Web Design Checklists
Intro | Checklist 1 | Checklist 2 | What do I do now? | The Top 30 Web Design Mistakes
"Does my web site suck?"
Of all the email questions I receive, this one amazes me the most. Perhaps my amazement is because I'm a left-brain kind of guy. When I look in the mirror I see a balding, overweight, post-middle-age, white guy. I don't look in the mirror and see Tom Cruise — I'm a lot taller.
I answered these emails by pointing people to the The FAQ where it states, "Due to the number of requests I receive and the limited amount of time I have, it's impossible to critique people's sites."
I didn't like my answer so I came up with a solution: I'll give you the tools to do the job yourself. Just compare your site against two easy-to-use checklists and find out if your site sucks.
What was left out
I'm sure there are some gaps I need to fill in and there may be some elements I've missed. E-mail me with the fatal and not-so-fatal design flaws you think I've missed.
Let's Go!
Checklist 1: Does Your Web Site Suck?
Checklist 2: "How long can you French kiss before it's a mortal sin?"